

Name: Gravitation
Author: Murakami Maki
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Shoujo, Shounen-ai
Released: 1995
Status: Complete

Shuichi Shindou loves music more than anything and is determinded to become a start with his friend Hiro. Apparently big selling novelist Yuki Eiri happens to find the lyrics he wrote and told him how much those sucked. Shuichi couldn't get that out of his mind and started to go to see Yuki more often to demand him the reason why his lyrics weren't good enough. Apparently he started to like to being together with the man more and more.

Shuichi Shindou ~ He's a young man who loves music and Eiri Yuki more than anything. He's a hyper person and gets workes up almost by everything. He can also be descriped as a drama queen.

Eiri Yuki ~ He's a bestseller romantic novelist who sucks with love anyway. He treats people like trash and same goes to Shuichi too. He doesn't seem to care about anything or anyone and is very selfconcerned. Plus he seems to have some ghost hunging arounf from the past.

Why you should avoid and not avoid this manga?
I'm gonna tell the best points first before the worst ones. I love the personalities of the characters. The main character Shuichi is such a lively person who makes the story even more unexpected. He doesn't seem to give which makes you wish to disappeare before he does something emparassing. It's a good feeling, believe me. :) Also I love how sadistic Yuki is with Shuichi. That makes their relationship eccentric and more unique. Only thing is that that you start to wish Yuki's disappearance or change of heart. Sometime he just annoys the hell out of you and you can't help but pity poor Shuichi who's trying his best.
The worst parts are... maybe... at first the change of the atmoshpere of the story. At first the story startes like any ohter shoujo manga. There was a boy who met a guy who seemed to hide something inside himself and is still so freaking attractive. But when the story goes by, all the normality the serie had, disappeared. Suddenly you had some crazy banda bitch and a hot but absolutely psycho manager with thousands of guns with him. In other words: the serie went all weird! It might also be a good thing because the change went pretty smoothly. It just didn't change right away. I also like the way how the mangaka made the relationship between the maincharacters develobe slowly enough... at least on Yuki's part. Shuichi was maybe a little rushed.
I also want to note about the art. At first the art was horrible in my opinion. It had same kind of features as many other manga from 90s or 80s. The it changed into lot better. With the new style you could tell the characters apart easier and see something else than horrible 90s clothes on them. But everyone like different things. Maybe someone like this kind of style more. :)

WARNING! This may contain spoilers but nothing serious in my opinion. :) Be still aware when watching! And you can't blame me ;) This absolutely gives a better picture of the manga and anime in this case. 

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